What is needed to re-register a car upon purchase and how much does it cost: a detailed guide

What is needed to re-register a car upon purchase and how much does it cost: a detailed guide

Buying a car is not relevant for everyone. There are cases when long-term car rental is really a more convenient option. But if the car is finally chosen and you have become its owner, let's figure out what is needed to re-register the car and where to start? How much time, effort and money can the process require? Let's discuss the latest news on the topic and analyze the current ways to register a car for yourself.

3 types of car re-registration in Ukraine

In recent years, reforms of various structures have been constantly taking place in Ukraine. The registration and place of registration of the car have long ceased to be important, so the system began to work faster and take less time and money.

3 types of car re-registration in Ukraine

Today, there are 3 options for re-registration.

  1. Directly. This takes place at a service center in the presence of the seller and buyer. In this case, it is not necessary to change the license plates. The seller must have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, TIN and vehicle registration certificate with him. If the passport is new, it is important to have an extract from the place of residence with him.
  2. According to the purchase and sale agreement. This method is most often used when selling several cars per year. Usually these are commercial vehicles. When the contract is concluded, the buyer himself takes care of the registration of the car for himself, replacing the technical passport and license plates.
  3. Through the "Diya" application. This is a modern method that only requires a smartphone with the application installed on the seller and the buyer.

An important nuance: the methods of re-registration directly and through "Diya" are possible if only 1 car is sold per year. In this case, you do not need to pay the tax on the sale of movable property.

Where to start re-registration

Once you have decided on the method of re-registration, you need a ticket for an appointment with a specialist at the service center. This can be done via the website or offline. What is needed to re-register a car when buying:

With the coupon, go to the service center at the appointed time. Wait until your number is displayed on the screen and go to the specialist. He will check the car by VIN code, prepare a new technical passport, and if necessary, the numbers. All that remains is to pay for the service and the procedure is completed.

Now the car officially belongs to the buyer. The procedure is simple, but it takes some time. The legislation requires that the re-registration be completed within 10 days after purchasing the car, so it is important to have time for everything. If you don't want to adapt to the work of service centers, it's much easier to car leasing at Avis.

How much does it cost to re-register a car

With the replacement of license plates, re-registration will cost more. The cost is also affected by the type of transport. The car's manufacture and size matter. If the owner sells only one car per year, then taxes are not charged. And at the Avis office you can choose electric cars for rent or take out a lease with subsequent purchase of the car. Customers have the opportunity to choose the most convenient option.
