If you are interested in car leasing or long-term car rental, it is important to know that the car must have an insurance history with a properly executed insurance policy, as is the case with the Avis Ukraine fleet. The policy is a document necessary for the financial protection of the driver in various situations on the road. We will tell you how to check car insurance in a few minutes.
There are mandatory and voluntary car insurances. The first include OSACV and the Green Card, which is necessary for traveling abroad. Voluntary insurances – This is CASCO, accident insurance, etc. It is important to note that OSACV does not cover the risks of theft, damage to the car due to natural disasters and force majeure, therefore, when renting regular cars or electric cars for rent, it is worth thinking about additional insurance coverage. Basic insurance is usually included in the cost of renting a car.
The CTPV (insurance policy or motor vehicle liability insurance) is a mandatory document for all drivers in Ukraine and covers damages to third parties, the cost of repairing the car or replacing it in the event of an accident. The owner, for his part, pays the amount of the policy. For the absence of a motor vehicle liability insurance, the motorist faces a fine. And although its amount is small, the damage that will be covered if there is a CIT insurance, can be many times greater.
The database of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTSBU) - an organization that is a single association of insurance companies - will help you find out how to check car insurance. The verification algorithm is simple:
With the help of the service, you will easily understand how to check insurance by car number, and receive the request data: policy status on the selected date and all data about the vehicle.
Step-by-step actions for any verification method are as follows:
Please note that if you issued a motor vehicle policy at the office of the insurance company and you issued a paper form, the information in the MTIBU register may not appear immediately, since the agent does not always promptly enter it. In contrast, electronic OSACV contracts end up in the bureau's database almost instantly. This method of insurance is not only more convenient, but also protects against fraudsters. But even in paper form there are signs of authenticity. Yes, the civil registration certificate must be printed on a special form with watermarks and certified with a seal.